
Sales Representative (Industrial Products)

ANZSCO Code: 225411

A sales representative (industrial products) serves businesses by selling various specialized chemicals, equipment, raw materials, and other supplies. An industrial products sales representative works on behalf of companies to market a variety of specialized chemicals, equipment, raw materials, and other supplies. 

Sales Representative (Industrial Products)

Occupation description

An industrial products sales representative works on behalf of businesses to market a variety of specialized chemicals, equipment, raw materials, and other supplies. 

Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Technical Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
  • Sales Manager

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)
  • Technical Sales Representatives nec
  • ICT Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative (Business Solutions)
  • Sales Representatives nec

These jobs need the necessary skill level or are categorized differently in ANZSCO.

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    Group allocation:

    VETASSESS Group B occupation: Sales Representative (Industrial Products) 

    This occupation requires qualifications, such as a bachelor’s degree or higher degree, which are assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) or experiences in the related field.

    Applicants must have fulfilled at least one of the following four criteria (1–4):

    Extra credentials in a highly applicable topic of study correspond to the following levels:

    • AQF Diploma
    • AQF Advanced Diploma
    • AQF Associate Degree or
    • AQF Graduate Diploma

     Bachelor’s degree or higher degree includes:

    • AQF Master’s Degree or
    • AQF Doctoral Degree

    Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)

    • 1–3 minimum number of years of highly relevant work experience in the specified occupation gained during the five years before the application date for a skills assessment and at a suitable skill level.
    • 4 A minimum of 6 years of relevant work experience is needed, with at least one year of highly relevant work completed in the five years before application and five years of relevant work (which may have yet to be completed within the last five years).

    An applicant must have at least one year of highly relevant work at an adequate skill level within the last five years if employment occurs before attaining the certification at the requisite level. The final five years of pre-qualification could fall inside the previous ten years. A favourable evaluation of the degree of qualification and length of employment is necessary for a favourable conclusion of the Skills Assessment.

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    Qualification and Employment Criteria


    This occupation requires a qualification in:

    • AQF Bachelor’s degree or higher degree.
    • This includes qualifications assessed at the AQF Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral levels.


    • Disciplines relevant to the industrial products represented for sale 

    (e.g. Chemistry, Engineering, Machinery)

    • Marketing


    Highly relevant tasks include:

    • Utilizing directories and additional sources to compile lists of potential client companies.
    • Gaining and maintaining knowledge of market circumstances and the products and services offered by competitors and employers.
    • I visit current and potential client firms to identify and take advantage of sales opportunities.
    • Evaluating the client’s needs and offering, describing, and suggesting products and services.
    • Monitor rival activity and clients’ shifting needs, then report any changes to sales management.
    • Obtaining quotes, haggling over credit terms, signing contracts, and keeping track of orders.
    • Coordinating the provision of services, equipment installation, and commodities delivery.
    • Providing sales management with information on completed sales and the viability of products and services.
    • Contact customers again to check on their satisfaction with the products and services they bought and address any issues that may have arisen.
    • Creating sales reports and keeping track of and turning in business cost reports.

    Employment information

    As members of ANZSCO Unit Group 2254 Technical Sales Representatives, candidates for the employment of Sales Representative (Industrial Products) must be involved in sales to industrial facilities that require technical competence.

    Industrial products are equipment or materials utilized in an industrial setting, i.e., to produce other items. They comprise all the equipment, factories, supplies, and parts various industries use. Air conditioners and solar panels are examples of consumer goods not categorized as industrial products because they need to be installed.

    This occupation does not include positions in front-line settings and call centres, where a high level of product technical expertise is unnecessary. Jobs primarily involving the sale of goods to consumers will not be evaluated favourably.

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