Hair or Beauty Salon Manager ANZSCO Code: 142114
An expert who manages the day-to-day operations of a salon, spa, or beauty parlour is known as a salon manager. They usually work at spas, hair salons, and nail salons, among other places that provide beauty services. Their primary responsibility is to keep the salon running smoothly. A manager of a hair salon or beauty parlour plans and oversees the daily activities of the establishment.
Occupation description
A manager of a hair salon or beauty parlour plans and oversees the daily activities of the establishment.
Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:
- Hair Salon Manager
- Beauty Salon Manager
Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:
- Hairdresser
- Beautician
These jobs need the necessary skill level or are categorized differently in ANZSCO.
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Group allocation:
VETASSESS Group C occupation: Hair or Beauty Salon Manager
This occupation requires qualifications, such as a bachelor’s degree or higher degree, which are assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) or experiences in the related field.
Applicants must have fulfilled at least one of the following four criteria (1–4):
Extra credentials in a highly applicable topic of study correspond to the following levels:
- AQF Diploma
- AQF Advanced Diploma
- AQF Associate Degree or
- AQF Graduate Diploma
Bachelor’s degree or higher degree includes:
- AQF Master’s Degree or
- AQF Doctoral Degree
Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)
- 1–3 minimum number of years of highly relevant work experience in the specified occupation gained during the five years before the application date for a skills assessment and at a suitable skill level.
- 4 A minimum of 6 years of relevant work experience is needed, with at least one year of highly relevant work completed in the five years before application and five years of relevant work (which may have yet to be completed within the last five years).
An applicant must have at least one year of highly relevant work at an adequate skill level within the last five years if employment occurs before attaining the certification at the requisite level. The final five years of pre-qualification could fall inside the previous ten years. A favourable evaluation of the degree of qualification and length of employment is necessary for a favourable conclusion of the Skills Assessment.
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Qualification and Employment Criteria
This occupation requires a qualification in:
- AQF Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level.
- Salon Management
- Retail Management
Highly relevant tasks include:
- Figuring out a hair or beauty salon’s product mix, stock levels, and service standards.
- Establishing and carrying out marketing and purchasing strategies and pricing for a hair or beauty salon.
- Selling and publicizing the products and services offered by the salon.
- Offering products and services to clients of salons and giving them advice on using cosmetics or hair products.
- Preserving documentation of financial activities and stock levels.
- Putting together the establishment’s budget.
- Regulating personnel hiring, development, and supervision.
- Making sure that occupational health and safety laws are followed.
Employment information
Exclusive selling Hairdressers who don’t have any employees would often not be hired for this position since they wouldn’t be handling the necessary staff management duties.
Supporting material for assessment
An organizational chart is required of candidates nominated for this managerial position. The firm letterhead, the applicant’s job title, the positions of their superiors and subordinates, and all positions reporting to the applicant’s direct supervisor and subordinates should all be included in an organizational chart.
Applicants must submit a statutory declaration explaining the necessary information and why it cannot be provided if they cannot get an organizational chart from their employer.