
Fitness Centre Manager ANZSCO Code: 149112

Managers of fitness centers are in charge of overseeing and managing the daily plans and activities of their establishments. In addition to hiring qualified personnel and overseeing their personal trainers, their responsibilities include purchasing, vending, and maintaining equipment on the premises. They supervise the fitness floor and the entire facility, dealing with patrons and members to ensure that workout regimens are followed safely. A fitness centre manager plans, directs and advertises the facility’s programs, resources, and amenities. They might instruct, train, and coach their customers.

Fitness Centre Manager ANZSCO Code: 149112

Occupation description

A fitness center manager plans, directs and advertises the facility’s programs, resources, and amenities. They might instruct, train, and coach their customers.

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Sports Centre Manager
  • Sports Instructor

These jobs need the necessary skill level or are categorized differently in ANZSCO

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    Group allocation:

    VETASSESS Group C occupation: Fitness Centre Manager

    This occupation requires qualifications, such as a bachelor’s degree or higher degree, which are assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) or experiences in the related field.

    Applicants must have fulfilled at least one of the following four criteria (1–4):

    Extra credentials in a highly applicable topic of study correspond to the following levels:

    • AQF Diploma
    • AQF Advanced Diploma
    • AQF Associate Degree or
    • AQF Graduate Diploma

     Bachelor’s degree or higher degree includes:

    • AQF Master’s Degree or
    • AQF Doctoral Degree

    Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)

    • 1–3 minimum number of years of highly relevant work experience in the specified occupation gained during the five years before the application date for a skills assessment and at a suitable skill level.
    • 4 A minimum of 6 years of relevant work experience is needed, with at least one year of highly relevant work completed in the five years before application and five years of relevant work (which may have yet to be completed within the last five years).

    An applicant must have at least one year of highly relevant work at an adequate skill level within the last five years if employment occurs before attaining the certification at the requisite level. The final five years of pre-qualification could fall inside the previous ten years. A favorable evaluation of the degree of qualification and length of employment is necessary for a favorable conclusion of the Skills Assessment.

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    Qualification and Employment Criteria


    This occupation requires a qualification in:

    • AQF Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level.


    • Fitness Studies
    • Sports Management


    Highly relevant tasks include:

    • Organizing and designing the variety of exercise programs that the facility will provide.
    • Arranging publicity to draw customers and promote facilities.
    • Arranging contests and games.
    • Hiring, educating, and managing employees.
    • Confirming that establishments follow safety regulations and are well maintained.
    • May engage in client training, coaching, and fitness education.
    • May arrange and plan food services.

    Employment information

    Managers of fitness centers typically oversee facilities that have a gym or fitness suite in addition to some or all of the following services:

    • swimming pool
    • sports halls or courts
    • spa, sauna, or therapy area
    • catering and other recreational facilities

    Typical responsibilities include:

    • Handling the technical parts of providing exercise and health and safety.
    • Managing personnel.
    • Marketing the facility and any special events.

    The manager is also responsible for the center’s overall profitability.

    Big centers might employ a group of managers with varying specializations.

    Supporting material for assessment

    An organizational chart is required of candidates nominated for this managerial position. The firm letterhead, the applicant’s job title, the positions of their superiors and subordinates, and all positions reporting to the applicant’s direct supervisor and subordinates should all be included in an organizational chart.

    Applicants must submit a statutory declaration explaining the necessary information and why it cannot be provided if they cannot get an organizational chart from their employer.

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