
Education Managers nec ANZSCO Code: 134499

Education Managers are accountable for planning, organizing and overseeing educational policies at their respective academic institutions. In addition to this responsibility comes guidance and support to staff and students of these academic institutions. Education Managers nec play an essential role in managing programs and services not covered under other educational management categories – an ANZSCO Code 134499 occupation classified by VETASSESS as Group A occupation requires versatile skill sets as part of its classification criteria.

Occupation description

Education Managers are accountable for planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating educational policies and providing guidance and support to staff and students in academic institutions while handling both educational and administrative tasks. This occupation encompasses Education Managers not otherwise classified. Education Managers nec oversee educational institutions, programs, and services not covered explicitly by more specialized management roles. This profession may involve adult education programs as well as community education initiatives that do not fit easily into traditional schooling structures. Common responsibilities for Education Managers nec include developing curriculum, managing staff effectively, overseeing budgets responsibly, as well as complying with academic regulations.

Suitable occupations under this ANZSCO code include:

  • Polytechnic Registrar
  • Project Coordinator (Education)

  • TAFE Registrar

  • University Registrar

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code are:

  • Faculty Head, such as Dean (University) and Head Teacher (TAFE)
  • Regional Education Manager, including School Administrator

  • Education Reviewer

  • Education Adviser

  • School Principal

These occupations are classified elsewhere in ANZSCO or do not meet the required skill level.

Education Managers nec is a VETASSESS Group A occupation.

VETASSESS has classified this role as a Group A occupation, meaning applicants must meet both qualifications and employment criteria to be eligible for skills assessment. It is crucial that applicants understand these criteria to meet employment or migration requirements in Australia.

To be eligible for this occupation, a qualification equivalent to an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor’s degree or higher must be achieved. Furthermore, your background should closely align with what the position requires of you.

Candidates must also possess at least one year of highly relevant work experience obtained since completing their qualification at an appropriate skill level within five years.

If candidates don’t have the right skills, it’s usually because:

  • They haven’t reached the necessary education level.
  • Their education is in a different field.

  • They finished working before finishing their education.

Education and work experience must be positively assessed for an accurate skills evaluation. VETASSESS assigns certain job categories evaluated by VETASSESS with an evaluation code called ‘nec,’ which stands for ‘not elsewhere classified.’ If applying for one of these jobs, your qualifications and work experience must closely resemble one of the job titles listed within ANZSCO for that specific position. Any non-ANZSCO job titles are considered as long as they relate back to ‘nec’ codes.

Your work falls under an “nec” code when it is closely related to an ANZSCO category, even though there may not be a precise classification for it.

Your work in these designated jobs should not fit better under another ANZSCO code assessed by VETASSESS or not. When choosing an “nec” job, make sure your skills align with its subcategory description.

VETASSESS analyzes each case individually to ascertain if your work experience is highly applicable to a job classification.

If your work closely relates to another ANZSCO job, it cannot be accurately assessed using a non-exempt category; even if a migration position exists. Include a cover letter explaining your decision for using the non-exempt classification.

Highly relevant paid work length (20 hours or more each week):

  • After earning your qualifications, at least one year of paid employment (at 20 hours or more per week) that is highly relevant to the job you are seeking should be completed within five years of taking part in a Skills Assessment test.
  • Your work experience must be directly relevant to the job you are applying for and must have taken place within five years prior to taking part in a Skills Assessment test.

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    Qualification and Employment Criteria

    1. Qualification

    AQF Bachelor’s degree or higher degree.

    You’re eligible if you qualify for AQF Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral level.

    In some cases, we may accept qualifications in other fields on a case-by-case basis, especially if your subsequent work experience is highly relevant.

    Highly relevant significant fields of study include:

    • Education management
    • Educational leadership and management

    • Education

    2. Employment

    In your job, you may be doing tasks such as:

    • Manage daily operations, finances and administration of an educational institution or its department.
    • Engaging in educational and administrative policy development from concept through evaluation.

    • Communication among various stakeholders such as other schools, parents and the community.

    • Provide guidance to both staff and students regarding policies and procedures.

    • Collaborating with teachers and administrators to plan and implement educational programs.

    • Establish and address the needs of students and staff for their development.

    • Maintaining and researching changes and advancements within educational systems.

    • Examining how curriculum changes impact students and reporting their needs are of utmost importance.

    • Designing and providing training sessions to teachers.

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    Employment information

    Education managers generally hold advisory responsibilities, including writing reports, information papers and submissions on various education-related initiatives or strategies. They may advise senior management or committees about strategies or initiatives related to education management; oversee regional, district or state educational systems managing finances and physical educational resources – though candidates for such positions typically need previous experience managing education systems.

    In general, applicants should show that their job:

    • It is at a managerial level, as outlined in ANZSCO.
    • Involves managing and directing educational policies and practices.

    • It isn’t covered elsewhere in ANZSCO.

    • Teaching roles that include administrative responsibilities are not eligible for consideration in this occupation.

    Supporting Material for Assessment

    Provide sufficient evidence of your identity, qualifications and work experience when applying for a Skills Assessment. A list of documents required can be found under Eligibility Criteria on VETASSESS website.

    If you’re applying for a managerial position, you must include an organizational chart.

    This chart should have:

    • The company’s letterhead.
    • Your job title.

    • List your supervisors and subordinates, along with those reporting directly to your immediate supervisor and direct subordinates.

    • Your department should demonstrate how it fits within the overall company structure.

    If your employer refuses to provide an organizational chart, you must submit a statutory declaration explaining why and providing all the relevant details. Please also include a covering letter explaining why the “nec” category was chosen as your choice of classification.

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