
Flight Attendant ANZSCO Code: 451711

An aircrew member on commercial flights, several corporate jets, and specific government aircraft is known as a flight attendant. Flight attendants, collectively called cabin crew, are responsible for keeping passengers safe by ensuring that everyone follows security procedures and that the flight deck is secure. Flight attendants also work to make flights more comfortable for customers. They should be skilled at conflict resolution and can de-escalate heated situations with passengers. As they frequently engage with various passengers, they may require a more in-depth understanding of cultural sensitivity and language skills.

Flight Attendant ANZSCO Code: 451711

Occupation description

A flight attendant attends to the comfort and safety of passengers on aircraft.

Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Cabin Crew
  • Cabin Supervisor (Aircraft)
  • Crew Attendant (Air Force)

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Airport Service Staff
  • Pilot

These jobs need the necessary skill level or are categorized differently in ANZSCO.

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    Group allocation:

    VETASSESS Group D occupation: Flight Attendant

    A bachelor’s degree or higher that is deemed equivalent to the educational level of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) or experience in a related subject is required for this career.

    Candidates must have met at least one of the four requirements listed below (1–4):

    Extra credentials in a highly applicable topic of study correspond to the following levels:

    • AQF Diploma
    • AQF Advanced Diploma
    • AQF Associate Degree or
    • AQF Graduate Diploma

     Bachelor’s degree or higher degree includes:

    • AQF Master’s Degree or
    • AQF Doctoral Degree

    Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)

    • A minimum of 1-3 years of highly relevant work experience at an appropriate skill level in the designated occupation was obtained five years before the application date for a skills assessment.
    • 4 A minimum of 6 years of relevant work experience is required, consisting of five years of relevant work (which may have yet to be finished in the past five years) and at least one year of highly relevant work completed in the five years before application. 

    Assume that employment takes place before obtaining the necessary degree of certification. If so, the candidate must have completed at least a year’s worth of highly relevant work at sufficient expertise during the previous five years. The last five pre-qualification years may have occurred throughout the preceding ten years. A positive assessment of the duration of employment and level of qualification is required for the Skills Assessment to be concluded favourably.

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    Qualification and Employment Criteria


    A qualification in AQF Certificate III or IV, or a higher level, is required for this career.

    This includes qualifications assessed at;

    • AQF Diploma
    • Advanced Diploma 
    • Associate Degree
    • Bachelor
    • Master
    • Doctorate levels

    Highly relevant significant fields of study include: 

    • Hospitality management
    • Travel and tourism management
    • Aviation (cabin crew) 
    • Customer service management.


    Highly relevant tasks include, but are not limited to:

    • Overseeing emergency protocols, safety protocols, and public statements.
    • Arranging for the sale of items to passengers and completing the necessary immigration and customs paperwork.
    • Carrying out safety inspections and providing equipment and procedure demonstrations.
    • Aiding and guiding passengers in emergencies, conducting emergency procedures, and helping passengers during emergency drills.
    • Guiding guests to their seats and cabins and verifying their tickets.
    • Receiving and storing food, equipment, and cabin baggage; cleaning cabins on ships, aeroplanes, and trains.
    • Running galleys, heating and preparing food for passengers, and providing meals and refreshments.
    • Providing reading materials, blankets, pillows, and other comforts to travellers.

    Employment information

    A flight attendant helps ensure passengers’ comfort and safety by offering advice, information, and support. They create a friendly atmosphere between flights and offer client support before, during, or after each trip.

    Maximizing revenue growth and improving customer happiness are the objectives.

    This vocation only applies to airlines that provide safety and customer satisfaction since they would be better suited for ANZSCO 451711  flight attendants.

    Supporting material for assessment

    When applying for a skills assessment, please provide enough documentation to back up your employment claims, qualifications, and identity proof. The VETASSESS website contains a comprehensive list of the necessary documents.

    An organizational chart must be submitted if you nominate someone for a managerial position. This diagram ought to show:

    • The letterhead of the airlines
    • Your role in the flight
    • The jobs that report to your immediate supervisor and direct subordinates, as well as the jobs of your superiors and subordinates.

    The department’s position within the larger organizational structure should also be shown on the chart.

    Suppose your crew is unable to give you an organizational chart. In that case, you must submit a statutory declaration explaining the needed information and why you cannot offer it.

    If you are a self-employed crew member, you must provide the employment documentation on our website under the Eligibility Criteria section.

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